Saturday, May 30, 2009

This blog has moved….

OK so I mentioned in my last written post that I was launching The Glove Lover’s Page.. Well it’s live' now.. I will be blogging there from now on. You can register on the site if you like, and if I get some people interested, I’ll allow them to do some content publishing as well. So come on over and register if you like.
And yes, I’ll be more active blogging going forward, I’ll even be bring you original content. :) I can’t wait to deliver this to you all.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

You Tube Sighting

A year has passed..

OK so I really really suck at blogging.. lol.. I’ll see what I can do about that.

In the mean time let me tell you what’s been going on.

I’m in the process of re-launching The Glove Lover’s Page. This was a website I started back in the day when I first got on the internet, back in the early ‘90s. It was a while ago yes, but I remember the day well. Wish I knew what happened to the site I had then, I mean the copy I had on my computer.

Anyway I have a partial launch now.. check it out.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Booted Up: Bootlovers #61 Video Preview

Check out the first part of the preview of Bootlovers #61, you won't regret it.

Booted Up: Bootlovers #61 Video Preview

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Oscars?

Did anyone watch the Oscars?

I didn't. From a glove perspective, there's not much reason to these days. It seems gloves are confined to "classic" films, or anything that depicts the 50s or earlier. Also popular in fashion magazine ads.

I wonder what it would take for a Hollywood super star to wear gloves to the Oscars? Do they even wear gloves at all anymore?

Usually after the Oscars I'd go through the red carpet shots to see who might have been wearing gloves that I missed while watching, but that's never these days.

I wonder why women don't anymore. Is it seemed as "demeaning"? or "repressive" or is it some kind of symbol I don't get? I am genuinely curious.

Maybe it's like heels and hosiery that they're just "the old way" and times are changing.

hmmm, dunno....

Friday, February 15, 2008

The quest for the glovely lady

This is a quest that I think most of us are on. To find that woman who enjoys gloves as much as we do. Wouldn't it be great to find a woman who wears gloves as often as possible. That every time you were intimate she put on long satin gloves, or that when she went out to the store she put on a pair of tight leather gloves. Someone who might even sleep in gloves. Who doesn't think she's dressed up enough unless she puts on a pair of opera gloves, even if it's just to the local diner.

I don't know if this is just a fantasy for us, do such women really exist? I don't know. I'd like to think so, but then comes the concern, would such a woman thing a guy like me is her type. Perhaps she like more sophisticated men. Then there's the chance you find her but it doesn't work out.

On this subject our friend Terri over at had an interesting article the other day:

   "Boot freak guy and boot freak girl find each other. Everything is awesome for a few months. Then guy is so obsessed with boots that girl starts to feel ignored and used. And BORED. She gets resentful and no longer wants to wear boots. Guy gets insecure, girl shuts down sexually. Cue arguing about who does the dishes the most. They break-up. Girl no longer trusts fetishists, and guy gets "issues"."

This is a scary trap. To find the woman of your dreams, and then lose her because you obsess over her clothing rather than her. I would hope I never do that, but I suppose being aware of the problem before hand will reduce the risk of it happening at all.

Have any of you met that special woman? How do you make it work? How often does she wear gloves?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another YouTube

I love YouTube

Check this out...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FairyGothMother authentic corsets, designer gowns, romantic prom wear, fashion corsets and exquisite lingerie